And we need monitoring?

In Lied to again we saw our non-elected EPISD board of managers violating the public trust by  “repurposing”  $57.9 million from the 2007 bond election.

Much of the money ($49 million) was voted on to build a new high school in the northeast.

This board told us that they knew what to do.  The high school was not necessary.  What was necessary was a couple of football stadiums and a $10 million theater for Andress High School.

That meeting took place February 4, 2014.

One month later on March 4, 2014 the A/E Procurement and Facilities Management Committee (comprised of two members of the board of managers) met to discuss “the objectives of the Facility Assessment and Facility Use Master Plan”.  From the meeting minutes:

A process overview and associated timelines were also presented, which included five stages as follows:  1) project setup (February 2014); 2) data collection (March and April 2014); 3) data analysis and compilation (April and May 2014); 4) master planning (May through August 2014); and 5)implementation.

They knew

The board voted to “repurpose” $59 million of our money–money that we voted to spend for specific purposes when they knew that they had hired a consulting firm to help decide what to do about our school building inventory.  In fact at the March 4 meeting they discussed both the facility study that was being done and the status of construction at Andress.

Guess what happened

In January of 2015 the consulting firm came in with their recommendations.  Among them were to tear down Andress and build a new school on the same site.

The cost?  The study estimates the cost to be $63 million.  Remember the $59 million we had allocated for a new high school?  Well that got “repurposed” and isn’t available any more.

We deserve better




2 Responses to And we need monitoring?

  1. U says:

    If you really think its wrong then file complaints with the elections division of the DOJ and with the Securities and Exchange Commission as both have authority.


  2. Deputy Dawg says:

    Remember that everything that this Board of Managers does is under the watchful eye and blessing of the State of Texas.


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