District 2 candidates and the arena

If elected what actions will you take relative to the proposed arena?
We sent this question to James Tolbert and Jud Burgess who are both running for the city representative district 2 seat.
We also tried to reach
Alexander Burnside
Raul Valdez
Dolores Baca and
Alexsandra Annello
who are running for the same position but were not able to find a way to contact them.
Let us know how to reach these folks if you can.
We will let you know what the candidates say.
We deserve better

9 Responses to District 2 candidates and the arena

  1. mamboman3 says:

    Annello’s address is 4114 Oxford, 79903; web page: http://www.AnnelloForDistrict2.com She was walking my neighborhood and we talked. She said she was against the arena at Duranguito.


  2. https://www.facebook.com/burnside.am https://www.facebook.com/scoopvaldez https://www.facebook.com/annellofordistrict2/ Dolores Baca is not on social media, etc. But her campaign manager is: rregalado_98@yahoo.com Telephone: +1 915 772 7583Campaign Information: Treasurer: Roberto R. Regalado Campaign address:

    Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5


  3. Hi Brutus, I would love to speak with you and have yet to receive any messages (my name gets spelled wrong a lot on my email). Please feel free to call me (432)386-2368.


    • Brutus says:

      Ms. Annello,

      If elected what actions would you take relative to the proposed arena?



      • I believe the arena should be located downtown, as set forth by the the voters in the 2012 Quality of Life bond election. While I understand that the location was not specified in the ballot language, it was spelled out in the ordinance. I would love nothing more than to see the arena in another part of the city, such as Cohen Stadium, but I think the intent was to have the arena downtown.

        That said, I do not support the Union Plaza/Duranguito location as it would result in the displacement of fellow residents and the destruction of the first platted neighborhood in El Paso which holds a tremendous amount of historic and cultural value.

        I do not believe the City Manager, nor the City Attorney, have been forthcoming in explaining to the public their negotiations with Union Pacific for the rail yard site, which remains the preferred site by most stakeholders, including myself.

        I believe that the City must make good on previous commitments to Union Pacific on crossing closures. If elected – and provided that no definitive action occurs on this issue by the time I take office – I aim to re-kindle negotiations with Union Pacific for the rail yard site to reach a quick resolution. It appears evident that Union Pacific will move their operations to Santa Teresa, NM, and that they would be willing to negotiate with the City over the downtown rail yard site, a site that has zero impact on residents in terms of displacement and relocation.

        The City, with the exception of Mayor Leeser, has made it clear that when push comes to shove, eminent domain remains a tool on the table. I wholeheartedly oppose the use of eminent domain for the purposes of acquiring private property for an entertainment venue.

        Thank you for providing me an opportunity to lay out my thoughts on this issue. I look forward to continuing this conversation throughout the campaign.

        Alexsandra Annello

        Liked by 1 person

        • Anonymous says:

          Voters never voted for a DOWNTOWN arena. Just for an arena that , by the way, was buried in with all the other quality of life stuff. It was vote for all or vote for none. You’re no different than the rest of the hacks downtown.


  4. But, what actions would she be willing to take?


  5. Anonymous says:

    Who’s taking down all the comments? Why?


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