Why get personal?

The Times published an article the other day that told us that a grocery store had fired its manager.

The article indicated that the Times does not know why the manager was fired.

Unfortunately the article named the individual.

Was that necessary?

It seems that the store’s sales have not met expectations.  That might be news to some but most of us already knew about the issue.

We deserve better


7 Responses to Why get personal?

  1. Anon says:

    “All the News that’s Fit to Print”


  2. The Oracle says:

    I’ve dealt with the Times reporters as well as all of the TV stations. They DO NOT EVEN KNOW what questions to ASK.
    They were SENT over. SENT.
    What . . oh yes, SENT.
    (Like a 9 year old was SENT to the store against his will, on a heavy bicycle, uphill, to get some stuff for dinner.) SENT.

    They do not know where they are.
    Seems like their first week on the job.
    All of them.


    • The Oracle says:

      One reporter WAS competent. Charlie Edgren (spelling ???)
      He KNEW is stuff. He would look you in the eye. . . and ASK the right questions. He would nod, when he understood you.
      (Not just sit there. . . with his mouth open with a blank stare on his face.)
      He’s not there any more.


      • Exactly. Charlie Edgren and Joe Muench . Apparently they were “Budget cuts” back when they left. Now apparently the “Editorials” are just farmed out to whoever they can find to do one. Now seems that much of the “Writing, “Spell checker” has been farmed out to some menudo café in Juarez.


  3. Well when the Times doesn’t have, can’t find any actual NEWS stories, they have to take whatever they can “Find”. IF they actually had Reporters, INVESTIGATIVE Reporters any more, they could REPORT, write actual stories on the POLITICAL, Public Corruption in El Taxo. Most of what the Times “Prints” is just cut and paste from other NEWS sources, ie USA Today, Washington Post. The biggest “Story” right now for the Times is that Silly Council, Veronica Escobar are going to blow off more than $150,000 TAXPAYER money, to give to some San Antonio shyster lawyers, to take Escobar’s, Silly Councils “Case” against the State of Texas and the ILLEGAL Immigration SB4. Again, THEY don’t REPRESENT US, THEY only REPRESENT themselves and whatever THEY can take from US. Just like THEY are kicking people out of their homes to build THEIR Arena, THEY want.


  4. Beto Moore says:

    Rumor has it that fired manager had ties to the EPISD cheating scandal. Just sayin’


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