Paying for the cost overruns

The agenda and backup material for the Tuesday, July 21, 2017 city council meeting were not posted until sometime after 4 PM last Thursday.

The city is closed on Fridays and the city representatives are tied up with legislative review (pre-council) meetings on Mondays.

We have written before about how difficult this makes it for citizens to register their views with their city representatives before council takes action.

Normally the agendas and backup materials are posted at about Noon on the Thursday before a meeting.

Not posting this week’s materials until the end of the day effectively will keep the public from calling to express their views on a major issue.  Whether this happened accidentally or was done on purpose the effect is the same–the public was denied it’s right to express their views.

We do know that there is an item on Tuesday’s agenda that many of us have strong feelings about.

As it currently stands, the city’s debt management policy does not allow council to issue certificates of obligation to pay for quality of life projects.

Item 26.1 on Tuesday’s agenda gives council an opportunity to add quality of life projects to the list of things that certificates of obligation can be used for.

We plan to publish another post about this next Monday to remind the readers of what they are trying to do.

Call your city representative.

We deserve better


One Response to Paying for the cost overruns

  1. Jud Burgess says:

    Brutus, I wrote a guest column for the El Paso Times about a week and a half ago regarding the mayor’s attempt to issue over $60 million worth of COs. It is scheduled to run in tomorrow’s (Sunday) issue.

    The more people in El Paso that are aware of how mayors and city councils abuse their citizens by using COs as a way to issue tax payer debt without our permission the better.

    I posted a headsup on my James No Bond fb page:


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