local presidential candidate

We have not had a discussion about our local candidate for the presidency of the United States.

What do you think his chances are?

We deserve better


22 Responses to local presidential candidate

  1. Mike Schwartz says:

    Perhaps I’m misinformed, however, I cannot think of anything Robert O’Rourke accomplished as either city councilman or as U.S. Rep. The local VA benefited slightly from initiatives Sylvestre Reyes started, but Mr O’Rourke took credit for. His current ideas on socialism and the New Green Deal are alarming to me. He doesn’t come across as being sincere in his promises to fix things. I think he at best hopes for a VP position or a Cabinet posting. However, if Barack Obama, a no name from Illinois and Donald Trump a non-politician from New York can win……….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous says:

      Mike bite your tongue. 😯


      • Mike Schwartz says:

        For all of the reasons listed, he is not a good candidate. I am alarmed also by his shadow contributors, the fact he and Pelosi had one on one’s with Guzman (drug lord), he is well acquainted with the ways of business according to Sanders & Co., and I would bite my tongue, but I did that with Obama and it still hurts. He comes across as a fake, a poseur, a “tell them what they want to hear” type of guy.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Question says:

          What are “the ways of business according to Sanders & Co.”?


          • Mike Schwartz says:

            Bill Sanders has been and will continue to be one heckuva real estate and developer businessman. While some have accused him of some shady deals vis a vis El Paso’s downtown development, that doesn’t square with the William Sanders I know and that my father knew better. I’m sure he has taken young O’Rourke under wing and taught him how to run a business. As Jerry said, Robert O’Rourke has veered too far to the left for my tastes. He is not the same young man I voted for, to overturn Reyes. My family and I have known the O’Rourkes for many years, and have a lot of respect for what they accomplished. So don’t try to twist my dislike of Robert as a presidential candidate into more than that.


  2. Anonymous says:

    This Reuter’s article about his hacker past, particularly the short story he wrote about running down kids with his car because they had stolen his happiness in his dreams is disturbing. So, are his teenage political writings about moving to a society without money. And before you discount this as stupid teenage stuff, remember Beto believes now that 16 year olds are mature enough to be given the right to vote. I looked up this article because Beto apologized for the short story in a campaign rally saying he couldn’t imagine why he wrote stuff like that. I honestly can’t imagine how someone who is mentally well adjusted could write something like that either. The dangerous thing about Robert is that like Obama, he has a radical agenda and if elected would owe a lot of folks favors. That doesn’t benefit the average American but Mr. I will tear down the walls along our Southern border and legalize pot is probably loved by the cartels right now. Here is the article link: https://news.yahoo.com/special-report-beto-orourkes-secret-membership-legendary-hacking-153631672.html. Take the time to read about Psychedelic Warlord.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Reality Checker says:

      You act as though Beto would be the first person who if elected would owe a lot of folks favors. El Paso city hall, the state capitol, the U.S. Congress and the White House are all filled with politicians who owe people and are carrying water for special interests.


      • Anonymous says:

        There is a difference between a candidate who has a strong track record and owes some favors and one who has virtually no track record and is totally beholden to the folks who decided to put him in power. The first one is influenced by his backers but also has the self confidence to push back if those backers are not working in the best interests of his/her constituents. The second type is a puppet where whatever the backer wants, the backer gets. We see that on city council a lot.


        • Reality Checker says:

          Some of the politicians and government officials with the longest track records of “accomplishments” are among those most engaged in giveaways to special interests.


    • JerryK says:

      I think my nephew was a part of that hacker cult and also the Wisconsin-based one called the “414s” back in the day. Good news is that turned out OK with a degree in computer engineering and now owns his own prosperous business.


  3. Anonymous says:

    lol, this is too funny. Not only does Robert Francis O’Rourke have no accomplishments to speak of, he insists on going by a nickname supposedly given by his Hispanic nanny that his father played up for political reasons. If cultural appropriation was ever a real thing then O’Rourke is very guilty of it yet no one seems to be calling him out.

    That’s not even the funniest part. He looks and sounds crazy with his communist approach and newfound wokeness. In real-life he tried taking poor people’s homes using eminent domain in a bid to help his wealthy father-in-law obtain downtown property. He literally used his elected office to try taking land away from impoverished private land owners to give to a wealthy private land owner that he was related to. That didn’t go over so well in the barrio. Some people think eminent domain gives a fair price for properties taken, but it does not and is in no way a fair process for any landowner that wants to keep their property.

    That isn’t even the funniest part. Besides eating dirt, jumping on counters flailing his arms and screaming communist platitudes between apologies for his whiteness and maleness, he has not yet articulated any policy’s beyond wanting to tear down border fencing and take away the wealth of American citizens. Except, I presume, his father-in-law.

    What the Democrats are going to do to him in the coming months is going to be spectacular. His own party will destroy him for his personal vanity of thinking that accomplishing nothing, standing for nothing and having nothing to offer entitles him to the highest office in the land.

    Robert Francis O’Rourke is a joke in every sense of the word. The only thing he has left to do is ride around in a tank trying to look tough in an homage to Michael Dukakis.


  4. John Dungan says:

    Well, it’s nice to see such nice people populate this blog. I disagree with alla y’all, and wonder where the hell y’all have been for the last several years. It must be nice as well to remain anonymous while hurling allegations and accusations at somebody running for office. If your whiteness has you so out of touch with life in El Paso, you really have no right to criticize Beto’s rightful use of his lifelong nickname. And, you’ll pardon me, but your attempt to make an issue of that is so petty as to be laughable all by itself. You’re too late to the parade, with much too little.


  5. Rico Suave says:

    I believe he will have the majority vote in El Paso in the Primaries


  6. Rodney Fender says:

    Charismatic rich boy that is a screaming liberal socialist. He gets ZIP in support from me. Maybe he and Escobar should take some of these illegal immigrants to their house and support them instead of hoisting them on hard working taxpayers.


  7. JerryK says:

    Known him almost 20 years and always liked him; still do. Nice guy and I wrote a few good sized checks to help him take out Reyes back then. As a long time Sierran, I am very grateful for his work to preserve the Castner Range on Franklin Mountain. Now he is way….too far out to the left for me what with open borders, kneeling NFL millionaires, and the rest.

    In El Paso, Republicans have to pick their Dems carefully.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Anonymous says:

    Having spent 10 days in AZ and CA
    people have asked me over and over how mr.
    Robert Francis O’Rourke (Name he used in Prep school and college) fooled all of the people in Rl Paso,TX .
    He did nothing but name a court house get some driving and licensing issues passed for vets.
    His answer to the crisis on the border is there is no Crisis tear down the wall and get rid of Ice.
    El Paso’s OAC Veronica Escobar and Robert never introduced a bill to fix immigration.
    All hat no cattle


    • Anonymous says:

      Gosh, I guess we need to look at Trump who stole money and services from contractors and laughed at them every time he declared bankruptcy. Stole tuition money from college students and they never got the full amount back.
      If Beto did or does nothing he is head and shoulders above the POTUS/

      Liked by 1 person

  9. ANONYMOUS ! ! ! says:

    As far as the primaries are concerned – a respectful showing but no dice. Pros: He’s not as crazy as some of the other candidates. And because of his good rapport with the MSM including late night comedic TV hosts, he comes across as fuzzy and likable. Hell, he’s the type of guy you can even slam down a late night burger with, literally. This means that he’s cool and hip like you and me. Cons: One can also spin this as even though he was one of the more tastier ‘flavors of the month’ that flavor is at least 29 days old. He’s not ‘woman enough’ for the job. Saying awhile ago that we should impeach Trumpioka is at least a mild gaffe. And finally, compared to Castro, he’s also not ‘Mexican enough’ for the gig. OK, l’m done pretending to act like l know what l’m talking about, so can l go now?


  10. Publius says:

    His chances? Assuming he continues to get traction, I think he wins regardless. If he has a good showing, Beto will be able to translate this campaign into something else.

    He lost the Senate race, but won in a weird way.

    Here are some odds –

    25% chance of winning the Democratic primary
    12% chance of winning the presidency,
    20% chance of being the next Vice President.

    You have to respect his effort. I would not want to endure the next year plus, like he has chosen to.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous says:

      The only response that really answered the question posed by Brutus. Most of the rest were just anti-Beto rants.


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