Vote please

It’s Saturday so let us know what is on your mind.

Please go vote first.  Voting is an effective way of speaking your mind.


5 Responses to Vote please

  1. Anonymous says:

    veronica escobar made voting in churches illegal. how does that not meet the lberal’s definition of voter suppression? because liberals don’t go to church?


    • Anonymous 2 says:

      Cute joke, but dead-ass wrong just as it would be inaccurate to say that all conservatives go to church.


  2. Anonymous says:

    The new voting procedure makes me feel like I should be stepping on to a plane. The price of freedom; Russia stay away


  3. good governance oxymoron says:

    Just voted and the new voting system is impressive.

    Big improvement.

    I somehow missed an item and on the final display before printing the ballot it gives a nice advisory so you can either go back and vote on the item or not.


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