
It’s Saturday.

Tell us what’s on your mind.

We deserve better


12 Responses to Saturday

  1. Anonymous says:

    Robert Francis O’Rourke, fake Mexican and drunk driving afficionado, is threatening gun confiscation. Perhaps anyone who wants to be President should be rquired to read and learn about our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our legislative process.


    • Fair and Balanced says:

      So should POTUS and Mitch McConnell.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anonymous says:

        Which one of them are talking about taking away guns? And which one of them is a fake Mexican?

        As for POTUS, he’s a billionaire and became President his first attempt without holding previous office. He beat what every major news outlet said was the most likely person in history to get elected to office of the President, and did it spending far less money. Pretty sure Trump’s got you beat in brains and achievement.

        Mitch McConnell’s life is probably full of more achievement than yours as well.

        Robert Francis O’Rourke’s life seems to be a hodgepodge of stupidity, faking Hispanic heritage, drunk driving, burglary. The only thing he did well was marry the daughter of a rich man.

        I have him beat by every measure.


    • John Dungan says:

      And, Beto is correct! Your constant whining about him has really gotten you nowhere, I hope you realize. Maybe you should study the Constitution, and focus on the words, in the 2nd Amendment, where it says something about a “well regulated militia.”


  2. Anonymous says:

    Well finally did it, 13 September, after 30 years in El Paso. Closed on a new home, South-Central Texas. About 25 miles North of Austin. After all these years of taking things for granted in El Taxo, “That’s just the way it is here”. Amazing what you can see “Outside” of El Taxo. Paved streets, much lower taxes, utility cost, fees, 40-50 cents a gallon CHEAPER gas, places to go, things to do all in less than a 10-12 hour drive to any where. Politicians that are actually CONTROLLED by voters, TAXPAYERS. A million memories. Son, Daughter, Grandson at Nixon, Andress. The Grandson, a Deputy Sheriff that we lost in 2016. All the good guys, friends that work the Border, the highways. The good times, bad times working with all of them. Thanks for the memories, “Blue”


  3. JerryK says:

    “The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

    ——————– Thomas Jefferson


  4. The Wizard says:

    Was completing online vehicle registration this morning and wondered about the local fees in El Paso vs. other counties. Looks like I’m paying $20/year in local fees. Most others counties, even those with big cities, are $10 or $11.50. Data based on the pdf, link below.



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