The gift that keeps on giving

The city’s internal audit department issued a report after reviewing the Economic and International Development department’s handling of incentive agreements.

Take a look at this:

Is anyone surprised?

We deserve better


8 Responses to The gift that keeps on giving

  1. Anonymous says:

    the city is ran by a bunch of liars. who did not know this?


  2. JerryK says:

    The city, like the country, is a reverse Robin Hood economy run for the benefit of a donor elite. Wonder why your taxes go up? It’s partly because they don’t pay tax; you pay it for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fed Up says:

    This is the same department that the city relocated to offices in Paul Foster’s building for which they are now paying rent. Coincidentally, Foster is a recipient of lots of incentives and subsidies.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ticked off taxpayer says:

    And yet our Mayor complains about CAD not valuing business properties high enough. Hey Mayor Margo, why don’t you and Tommy G walk over to the Economic Development office that you are renting from Paul Foster and see how many more unapproved incentives they are handing out because apparently once the giveaway starts it never ends….And FYI, when you criticize CAD, they don’t raise the valuations on the guys with attorneys who fight valuations, they just tell local small businesses their equipment didn’t depreciate and they’ll have the same valuation as the prior year because they know those guys won’t appeal.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] had a good post at yesterday. His post included this […]

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Max G says:

    Keep up the excellent work, Brutus. I’m a huge fan of yours.


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