Crisis of confidence

Take a look at this chart taken from a report about  a March 2019 survey of EPISD personnel.

The report shows that at the time of the survey the district had 8,307 employees.  Evidently 3,371 elected to participate in the survey.  According to the report the survey responses went directly to the Texas Association of School Boards.

Only 36 percent of the respondents agreed with the statement “I believe that district leaders are honest and trustworthy”.


We deserve better


11 Responses to Crisis of confidence

  1. Anonymous says:

    This supports an internal EP AFT survey which was members only, not including Administration. Trust, Confidence and Respect are even lower when you factor out Admin


    • Duh! says:

      Not surprising considering the purpose of AFT. I bet you 100% of death row inmates didn’t like the final medical treatment received by the state either.


  2. Ticked off taxpayer says:

    And the numbers are dropping Year-over-year despite the approval of a megabond that was going to fix all the district’s problems.


  3. Public School Advocate says:

    Socialist teachers distrust arrogant, also socialist leaders. Wow, that took a study to discover.

    What taxpayers think of both groups is what matters. They are utter failures at the job of teaching our children. Unless you think there are 63 genders, then the teachers are ahead of the curve. If you think overspending and debt are virtues then the administrators are your people.


  4. Anonymous says:

    Teachers don’t trust their Principals either.


  5. Anonymous says:

    EPISD is infected with inherent corruption. Nothing has changed since the days, prison sentence of Lorenzo Garcia and the arrest of all the others involved in corruption.. The Superintendent is overpaid, an exorbitant , give away “Pay check”. A HALF-MILLION$$$$, with “Benefits”.?? WHO in the dirt poor town of El Taxo is worth that kind of money?? No jobs, no economy, NOTHING for the PEOPLE. The working people, TAXPAYERS of El Taxo STRUGGLE to pay the TAXES, the outrageous salaries of leeches like Tommy Gonzalez, Juan Cabrera. But then NOTHING ever gets better for the PEOPLE in El Taxo. And NO politician ever gets elected with that goal in mind. Every Public Official, politician in El Taxo has ONE goal. To TAKE all they can get from the PEOPLE and leave.


  6. Anonymous says:

    It is disgusting that some people work so others can enjoy their money with no oversight. The main reason for their dumb ass bonds in the first place is that it was going to create jobs and make the lives of the people that live here better. It was going to reduce the taxes. Everything these blood suckers say is a lie. Lock them up, lock them up, lock them up❗️I like how cowardly they are also and how they run for the hills when they think someone is going to take anything from them. Ha ha


  7. Andre says:

    Social and emotional competence?

    Wie Bitte?


  8. Devil in the details. says:

    So 1,214 employees out of 8,307 employees responded that they don’t believe district leaders are trustworthy and honest. That equates to 15% of total employees responded to that question with that response. One could argue the participation rate is low because no one cares or responding doesn’t change anything or only people who are upset respond. It would be interesting to see how many student’s say their teachers are honest and trustworthy and compare the two rates.


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