Upcoming primary

Who are you currently thinking you will vote for democratic presidential candidate  in the upcoming (March) primary?

Please keep your comments civil.

We deserve better.


36 Responses to Upcoming primary

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    It is time for El Paso to grow up!

    Under no circumstance will I Be part of any Democrat taking an office from this City, County, State ,school board ,
    Or court.

    I will vote but only in the Republican Primary and then only for an individual who represents my values , and have had to meet a payroll.

    Democrates have run this area for over 100 yrs and all we have are poor services government bu protecting their jobs and high taxes.

    Don’t tell me we are run by rich white

    You bet deserve better but get what you vote for.
    I can honestly say I am not responsible for any of the yahoos in office and I never miss a vote.

    Look T the hysteria from this town on a do nothing like Robert Francis O’Rourke!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymous says:

    It is time for El Paso to grow up!

    Under no circumstance will I Be part of any Democrat taking an office from this City, County, State ,school board ,
    Or court.

    I will vote but only in the Republican Primary and then only for an individual who represents my values , and have had to meet a payroll.

    Democrates have run this area for over 100 yrs and all we have are poor services government bu protecting their jobs and high taxes.

    Don’t tell me we are run by rich white

    You bet deserve better but get what you vote for.
    I can honestly say I am not responsible for any of the yahoos in office and I never miss a vote.

    Look T the hysteria from this town on a do nothing like Robert Francis O’Rourke!


  4. JerryK says:

    Bernie actually said a few things that I agree with. Shut down the prison industrial complex (for profit prisons) and the War on Drugs that has been a complete failure. Really, when the US wages war on anything, that is a guarantee it will never be “won” if they can even define what “won” means. It usually means steady employment for government workers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ticked off taxpayer says:

      JerryK, if you define focus on candidates on a single issue (or closely related issues), you are falling prey to wedge issue spin. I didn’t vote for Trump last time because I liked him or thought he was a great leader. I voted for him because his entire platform was focused on issues I thought were killing our economy. Sanders’ positions will go back to killing our economy. None of the Dems except Bloomberg are discussing overall policies that are financially viable. Bloomberg is a control freak who believes he can buy the election and then remake America to his vision and he successfully extended term limits in NYC because he felt NYC needed his continued leadership (that level of arrogance comes with its own set of problems—Bloomberg will make abuse of power a daily occurrence). But the bottom line is look at the entire platform, not just the red meat being thrown out that appeals to you and then do the math on the platform. Taxing the rich won’t pay for free college or free healthcare and if you get free healthcare but your taxes go up $10k a year to pay for it, you didn’t get free healthcare. For profit prisons are bad, but in Bernie’s ideal world we could end up releasing the druggies and the filling those facilities back up with folks who needed to be re-educated to think more like Bernie thinks we should. Think carefully before you buy that particular bag of beans.

      Liked by 1 person

      • anonymous says:

        Bloomberg would destroy the American workforce.
        He will literally turn American into his personal serfdom.

        It was sad to see some El Pasoans line up to kiss his ring.

        He told them he was going to raise minimum wage to $15/hr.

        What he did not tell them was that his plan includes lowering all jobs to $15/hr and requiring Americans to compete with foreign workers for jobs in America.

        He believes that Americans should have to compete with foreign workers for jobs in America because Companies want to hire the best.

        For companies this means the lowest cost employees. He did not mention that part.

        An example is what happened with the Boeing Max. They layed off experienced American engineers and replaced them with people from India who they paid $9/hr.

        Bloomberg also believes in regressive taxes.

        In an interview he stated that it benefits poor people because if they had money they would spend it on things that are not good for them. So keeping them poor prevents them from dying.

        Beware Bloomberg is worse than mentally twisted.


        • anon says:

          Pure bull****. Your must love being able to just make shi* up. This reads like a post by Donald Trump or one of his Russian trolls. Trump’s worst fear is that he will find himself up against Bloomberg in the general election.


        • Ticked off taxpayer says:

          It’s worst than that. Bloomberg is a rich intellectual who believes he is smarter than the average American and as a result has the ability to dictate how they can live better by making things he thinks they don’t need more expensive. He is also a globalist. The investment banking community (where he made his early money), doesn’t care what they destroy to get rich and doesn’t see any advantage in having a strong domestic industrial policy. A Bloomberg presidency would be a step away from installing a dictator. The fact that he feels comfortable making those statements at a financial conference underscores who he “works” for and how right he feels about his vision.


        • anonymous says:

          Bloomberg is a sick twist.

          He thinks young male minorities commit all the crime including 95% of murders.

          Michael Bloomberg blocks footage of Aspen Institute appearance


          Bloomberg said city governments need to fund law enforcement judiciously, dispatch more police and get them into minority neighborhoods.

          About 95 percent of murders are credited to young, male minorities, he claimed, adding that motives are usually associated with drugs or domestic disputes.

          “One of the unintended consequences is people say, ‘Oh my God, you are arresting kids for marijuana. They’re all minorities,’” Bloomberg said.

          “Yes, that’s true. Why? Because we put all the cops in the minority neighborhoods. Yes, that’s true. Why do you do it? Because that’s where all the crime is.”


        • anonymous says:

          Audio of Bloomberg’s 2015 Aspen Institute speech where he explains that

          “you can just Xerox (copy)” the description of male, minorities 16-25 and hand to cops.

          Bloomberg had video of speech blocked.

          You can listen to the audio here


          • Ticked off taxpayer says:

            And to me, this is exactly the issue that should make the average voter fear Bloomberg. He goes to a liberal think tank like the Aspen Institute and gives a speech that basically says Black teenagers are the root of urban crime and having police throw them against the wall cuts crime. At the IMF forum which is a essentially a gathering of wealthy globalists he says regressive taxes on the poor will keep them from consuming food likely to kill them. In short, he sees folks that aren’t like him as cattle to be herded anyway he sees fit. In my opinion, this is the worst kind of bigotry because it erases the individual and simply lumps folks into categories of legitimate discrimination based on perceptions of those in power. No one seeking higher office that feels comfortable making the statements he is making in closed groups should be elected. Love or hate Trump, what he says to big donors is pretty much the same thing he says in open campaign rallies. Bloomberg has tried to suppress these speeches and walk back these statements now that he is trying to buy the presidency, because he recognizes those statements don’t appeal to voters. Like every rich liberal that gets caught looking down on the masses, he is trying to atone for his politically inexpedient past views given to roomfuls of folks who also consider themselves superior to the poor and ignorant masses. But this kind of zebra won’t change his stripes. He will always see the average American as an ignorant fool to be led instead of a constituent to be served.


      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, yes, yes. About the best, most educated response I have seen here. Got it exactly right. I don’t know how or who tries to figure out if DEMOCRATS do, do not run El Taxo. Whoever they are, HERE it makes no difference, because all we ever get is weasels that do NOTHING for US, the PEOPLE of El Taxo and just continue to tax, waste, spend and tax some more. Mayor, Clown Council, County, EPISD, YISD, SISD, all the same. Do unto US and lie.


  5. Ticked off taxpayer says:

    What a one-sided, narrow question. I plan to vote in the Republican primary and while my choice for President will be Trump., the GOP is providing multiple options for voting alternatives to Escobar. I’m doing my best to get educated on those candidates. Sam Williams looks pretty interesting: https://samforep.com/. Our current Congress needs a housecleaning. One thing to be careful about, is that it appears the GOP primary has been seeded with some weak candidates running to dilute the vote and make it harder for the two serious candidates to get a majority (saw that in the City Council race last year, too). If you are voting GOP, look at the candidates’ track records, level of organization, positions and donors.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Give up your guns, give up your RIGHTS, freedoms. Give up more of YOUR hard earned money to people who don’t work, won’t work, to THOUSANDS of Illegals, who live off of YOU, me, all of US. Just look around El Pasoans at what straight party DEMOCRAT voting has done to US. What has Jose Rodriguez done in Austin to HELP US? What has Veronica Escobar done in Washington, except to wear HER white dress and engage in the “Resist, protest, fight” against Trump? Have ANY of THEM got YOU a job, a pay raise, a tax cut? In El Taxo THEY only increase OUR taxes and WE are no better off. Nothing ever gets any BETTER for the PEOPLE. Think before you vote, before YOU, WE hire somebody to REPRESENT us.. And right now, THEY only represent what THEY can TAKE from US.


  7. Anonymous says:

    Bernie Sanders has a plan. He is open minded. He is honest. He has integrity. His narrative has been consistent all these years. This is the person I want for president. All those white men in the senate do not represent me. This is the first presidential candidate in my life that has a actual message. As for Texas politics, extremely low turnout. But I am old enough to remember that life was better when Ann Richards was governor. El Paso politics are also ultra low turnout. Straight ticket or not. Look at the city council seat in the lower valley that just flipped, out of 48,000 approximate 1200 voted. Not representing the population. That is another thing I love about Bernie Sanders, he is not a liar. I love how he says “ correct me if I’m wrong” he is humble, he invites conversation. He is not defined by greed. He is not a power broker or defined by greed. He is respected, experienced, consistent, present, loyal and I am taking a chance on him.


    • anonymous says:

      Odd logic. Bernie is a one of “those white men” in the Senate.

      Unfortunately the selective racist remark diminishes the credibility of what is otherwise a great statement


  8. Anonymous says:

    Intuition tells me, all the pending criminal and civil lawsuits tell me, actions speak louder than words tell me, that the Donald is not the man.


  9. Anonymous says:



  10. Anonymous says:

    Beto is a fake puppet of Bill Sanders. He betrayed people that believed he cared. I wonder what his childhood caregiver thinks about how he developed as a person if she is still alive. Being poor is not a crime. I think throwing someone out of their home so you can make your billionaire father in law some more cash is.


  11. Anonymous says:

    Not racism, look again. They are old, white men in the senate. Out of touch and just wanting to stash away a few more bucks for retirement. No integrity. If they loved this country they would tell the truth. Bernie is a old, white man and I respect him.


  12. Anonymous says:

    Correct me if l’m wrong❗️


  13. Anonymous says:

    We need people in the senate that represent all of the citizens. For that to happen, all of the citizens have to vote. So go and vote. Get everyone you know to vote.


  14. Anonymous says:

    I would like to address the issue of white people. Many colors are considered white. Antonio Banderas in a NPR article today reported he considers himself to be white but that others consider him to be a person of color. I think these attitudes become problematic when you discriminate against another human for what you consider different from yourself. I think people should bring racism out into the open and demystify it. Make racism a nonissue. I lived in Mexico for many years. One of the things I love about Mexicans is they give people nicknames and make fun of everything. I had a friend everyone called el negro, some called him the avocado, he was very handsome, very dark, with green eyes. I never him being discriminated against for being dark, in fact quite the opposite was true. Not to say Mexicans aren’t racists because they are.


  15. John Dungan says:

    I give up. Brutus asked for input about who folks might vote for in the Democratic primary, and he got rants all over the place, but apparently only one name! What is wrong with your people?! Have you no shame? Are you incapable of reading for content? Personally, I will vote in the Democratic Primary, but I haven’t yet decided who will get my vote. I like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, and Pete, though.


    • Anonymous says:

      Typical El Paso voter attitude. “I don’t know which one to vote for, if any of then are qualified, if any of them do, WILL REPRESENT me or what’s best for anybody, taxpayers, working people? Will they create jobs, stop the Illegal flow, cut taxes, increase taxes, increase wages. make things BETTER for the PEOPLE? I just know that I will vote for ANYBODY that has “Democrat” by their name, because that’s what I’ve always done. QUALIFIED, attitude, abilities, promises?? Who cares, long as they are Democrats.”


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