Inclusive? Not at all!

One of our readers received this via email from the city the other day:

You are invited to participate in the El Paso City Accelerator Inclusive Procurement Survey because you have been identified as a business owner/associate in the City of El Paso. The purpose of the survey is twofold. It will help the City develop a profile of regional businesses, and it will gather information on business certifications and interest in a future certification program by the City of El Paso.

This survey will also allow the City to identify and develop the infrastructure needed to establish a certification program.
The survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your time. Your answers will be held strictly confidential, and in no way affect your business’ standing. Note that if you have multiple businesses, we would very much appreciate it if you would complete a survey for each business. We encourage non-profit and for profit organizations to exclude themselves from taking the survey to ensure that each business is properly counted when developing the regional business profile and assessing certification needs.


They encourage non-profit and for profit organizations to exclude themselves from taking the survey…

Do they bother to read what they put out?

We deserve better


4 Responses to Inclusive? Not at all!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Huh? Is the correct response


  2. Must be nice to be perfect says:

    John 8:7 King James Version (KJV)

    7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Well they say “Profit, non-profit businesses are NOT to be included”. What other kind of “Business” would their be? ONLY ones that operate at a LOSS? How would they stay in business? 🙂 Maybe means Politicians, other Public Officials in El Taxo, who or in the “Business” of taking bribes, pay offs, kickbacks, campaign “Donations”, which are not accountable or reported as “Income” for TAX purposes. “Non-Profit”.


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