Why not pay police and fire fairly?

This is another bad idea in my opinion:

Note that they want to remove the cap, not the bottom.

Our fire and police employees deserve to be paid fairly.  Avoiding fair payment and pushing it down the road into pension plans is a bad idea–one that costs money.

We deserve better


4 Responses to Why not pay police and fire fairly?

  1. Anonymous says:

    your post makes it seem as if they are unfairly paid now.

    paying them fairly would be paying them just like everyone else, without special consideration.

    when you start creating special interests, such as police and fire unions, you no longer get those who wish to serve. instead you get brothers, sons, daughters, cousins and friends of those already serving. people help those in their life in a self serving way. the public interest gets little or no consideration.


  2. Joe says:

    I am sure this will not get passed. The police union and firemen union will get their people out to vote against this. Just like they got their people to turn out to pass the Nov 2019 safety pond. So, no worry here.


  3. elrichiboy says:

    What does it mean? That the City can contribute more than 18 percent? That the employees can’t contribute more than 18 percent?


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