Don’t cut sound governance

Do they think about what they are saying?

This slide comes from a presentation to city council:

The slide shows proposed reductions in spending by category.

Do we really want them to spend less money on “Sound Governance”?

We deserve better


4 Responses to Don’t cut sound governance

  1. Anonymous says:

    Is . . Sound Governance. . . . those GIANT concrete sound-reduction walls being build next to freeways to cut the sound going into a residential area ?


  2. Ticked off taxpayer says:

    Probably, if it is that resilience manager crap. We are about to see just how much eyewash those types of programs are since our local economy is proving how not resilient our current “load up debt” has made it.


  3. City Cynic says:

    Ah, the pompous names that our City Manager favors! Visual Image? Of what? City Hall 1, 2, or 3? The whiligigs along the freeway? Whatever, no loss cutting it to zero.


  4. archaic578 says:

    Take a look at the 2025 Strategic Plan goals for an explanation of each category. There is a link on the city home page. Not saying it’s going to make any more sense, but gives some specifics.


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