Amazon second headquarters

Michael Bray sent this in:

Amazon is looking


Looking for a new HQ!  Too big for El Paso? 


You never know until you ask!

7 Responses to Amazon second headquarters

  1. The Oracle says:

    They would need 50,000 people, that speak English and operate a computer.
    That leaves El Paso out.
    (And their CURRENT employees are NOT gonna move to El Paso.)
    (Sorry, I’ve watched half of the English speaking people leave El Paso during the past 30 years.)


  2. Anonymous says:

    Amazon has said they want a city, an area with a MILLION-plus population. Quality of life, places to go, things to do, qualified workers. All the same “requirements” that other businesses, industries look for. All the same, more reasons that no other businesses, industries will come here. Not GM, GE, Ford , Nissan, Apple, LG, Samsung, manufacturing, Suppliers, Transportation, Defense, etc,etc. The ONLY “Quality of Life” HERE is for politicians, Public Officials and the RICH elite that THEY support, provide for, suck up to and various carpet baggers passing through. The rest of US, just struggle to pay the TAXES for all that THEY want. IF Texas were considered by Amazon would be Dallas, Austin, Houston Metro-areas.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Actually it seems the City of El Paso is already working on it!


  4. JerryK says:

    Jessica Herrera, director of Economic Development for the City of El Paso, told Channel 9, “We are what the rest of the country will look like in 10, 15 years,” Herrera said. “We’re 83 percent Hispanic and bilingual.

    Note to Jessica: That is why Trump won and why the wall is being built. Tone it down a little.


  5. Tickedofftaxpayer says:

    Part of our problem is we focus on companies that our city isn’t a fit for because they have name recognition. We’d do better to focus on less recognizable companies looking to move from high cost areas.


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