Open line Saturday

It’s Saturday.

What’s on your mind?

We deserve better


43 Responses to Open line Saturday

  1. Two Scoops is not Competent says:

    Why does a certain shrinking segment, of our population still believe that Donald Trump is competent? Is it wishful thinking? Is it blind loyalty? Is it stupidity? Is it inability to properly process thought? Is it Faux News?

    We deserve better.


    • Anonymous says:

      We aren’t shrinking. We are growing. The silent majority is real. You can’t compare uneducated democratic zombie voters of El Paso with the rest of the country. Most Trump supporters in America do our own research and have access to ACTUAL information and actually see the truth. Ask people in El Paso why they don’t like Trump. What has he done wrong? They CAN’T tell you it they’ll regurgitate some fake news talking point like “He”s a racist” or “He cheated to get elected” which have both been proven wrong.


      • JerryK says:

        You can ask yourself this question about almost any politician – how have they affected my life personally? It is an Occam’s Razor sort of question that cuts thru a lot of BS because, mostly the answer is not at all. It is the news media that affects you mentally and emotionally regarding the politician, but your actual daily life changes little.

        I noticed my taxes went up as Trump’s tax package kicked in last year and I have a very modest retirement income. But, my relief check came this week so it balances out.

        I can’t really think of an actual change to my daily life that can be attributed to any recent POTUS except GWB. Do you remember when the border police started asking about pharmaceuticals when you came back from Juarez in 2001? All those Big Pharma contributions at work. That was how I first noticed there was a new sheriff in town that affected me personally.

        Now, national (e.g., catch-and-release, war in Syria, trade with China, boys in the girls’ room…) all concern me and are different with each POTUS, but have little affect on my daily life. It’s a matter of perspective. If you didn’t watch the fake media, you wouldn’t have known.


      • in your dreams says:

        The silent majority is real in your dreams. The extent of the research done by most Trump supporters is listening to talk radio and watching Fox news.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Russian Bot says:

      Ah, sanctimony. The highest of liberal virtues, shadowed only by hypocrisy. “What are you so dumb, enemy of mine?” they shout into the void.


  2. Anonymous says:

    It”s because he’s doing an amazing job and he doesn’t put up with anybodies crap. He’s not a politician and he doesn’t act like one. I love he handles the lies of the media and the do nothing lying Democrats and RINOs. He mops the floor with them daily and it’s fun to watch. He simply gets things done. He’s made America great again. China is trying to destroy it but our President will fix it again. And while he’s doing that he’ll also bring the former administration to justice. #Obamagate


  3. Anonymous says:

    Look how Trump treats educated people. Total disrespect for loyal patriots that have served our country for decades. Scientists do not have any place in his world. I think his supporters are mentally ill and ignorant. He is not winning. Our system of government is compromised because many of our citizens do not vote. He reminds of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin or Adolf Hitler. Leading his people to ruin. In Trump’s own words , “Sad”…


    • Anonymous says:

      When you refer to educated people do you mean the deep state bureaucrats? They don’t love this country. They love the political money in their deep pockets. You liberals ALWAYS make a reference to Hitler when referring to TRUMP yet it’s the Democrats who want to take away our guns and our liberty. It’s the liberals who want to keep us locked up like animals. The truth is the current Democratic party is closer to Hitler than any party ever.


    • Anonymous says:

      You call Trump supporters “mentally ill and ignorant” in your complaint about how Trump treats others.

      Way to go, hypocrite.


  4. Anonymous says:

    Stalin’s father didn’t him either, just like Trump. A man’s father sets the tone. Although some men rise above but not Trump. The fact that he lost 400 million that he inherited from his father is your first clue about how responsible he is. Truthfully the Democrats have money problems also and are having a hard time leading. Good candidates are in short supply because many politicians are dishonest. It seems to be a job requirement…


  5. Anonymous says:

    Just by saying deep state I know you are getting news from Facebook and ignorant. Read history. Read Trump history.


  6. Anonymous says:

    It’s men with republican agendas that own the for profit detention centers .


  7. Anonymous says:

    My taxes also went up under Trump. I am also retired with a modest income.


    • Anonymous says:

      Trump doesn’t control local taxes. Duh


      • Dan Wever says:

        No No, don’t tell him he doesn’t control local taxes, he will say he is the best, most intelligent, largest hands person that ever collected taxes! 🙂


        • Anonymous says:

          You could very likely be the most hateful person I have ever personally interacted with. Way to go Dan Wever! People need to see what kind of person you are in your heart. Go tolerant Democrats!

          The previous commenter was correct, sanctimony and hypocrisy seem to be liberal virtues.


          • Dan Wever says:

            Anonymous, that would really be great if true. I have always tried to be number 1 in anything I do especially when confronting anonymous dufuses! 🙂


          • Look in the Mirror says:

            Consider your own response to Dan.


  8. Ode to the Anonymous Liberal Troll says:

    The problem is … you don’t have a reasonable alternative. Sloppy Joe ain’t the guy. The Dems are too beholden to the far left. Get reasonable and Trump might lose


  9. Anonymous says:

    At this point Biden is looking good. Especially if he picks the right woman for Vice President. Anyone but the original troll Trump


  10. Anonymous says:


  11. Anonymous says:

    Joe Biden is a serial sexual assaulter, but good enough for Democrats. They also accepted Clinton, Weinstein, Epstein and Cosby…


    • No so Sloppy Joe says:

      They’re good with sexual assault as long as the D is next to the name.

      Sloppy Joe is not a good answer. He’s half-dead and will go far to the left with his VP pick. We’ll have a socialist a slow heartbeat way from the presidency. And that, my friends, is why Trump will win a second term.


  12. turn the table around says:

    Yesterday’s post posed questions about a restaurant owner’s anger and complaints about the situation he finds himself in with the COVID-19 regulations. Then it ended with this blog’s boiler plate complaint that “we deserve better.”

    — Who is we?

    — Why do we deserve better?

    — What is it that we think we deserve?

    — Who do you want to do what to make things better for you?

    No one is forcing anyone to live in El Paso.


  13. RF says:

    On Friday evening YISD and EPISD both aired ads on TV touting their great school districts. TAXPAYERS paid for those ads – is this how we want OUR tax dollars spent and not on our kids.


    • anon says:

      School districts running TV commercials when schools are closed and tax revenues are dropping. It would be funny if it weren’t sad.


  14. Ticked off taxpayer says:

    I find today’s discussion as posed by Jerry K interesting. What has any President done for you? I voted for Trump for one reason: the policies he highlighted were ones that my then alive husband and I were talking about it pre-Trump. We watched his campaign announcement prepared to laugh at the reality star and his trophy wife. At the end of his speech, we were ready to vote for him. Unlike Jerry, we understood how the shift to manufacturing in China (via a combination of tax holidays and currency manipulation) was impacting the economy. I’ve worked in manufacturing or consulted to manufacturers for nearly 40 years. I’ve watched this transition with concern. The systemic changes under Trump’s policies has put this country back on a path where people can realize socioeconomic improvement. My taxes as a widow went down. I’m not retired yet, so that is meaningful. It’s not an huge break, but it put me back in my previous tax bracket. And Jerry, if you are retired and paying taxes you aren’t poor. Poor is a fixed income low enough to guarantee you don’t even have to file taxes. Right now Trump is getting bashed for COVID and associated economic pain, but I think he has navigated the chaos China unleashed better than any career politician would. He shut down travel far ahead of when other politicians felt was right. He did listen to scientists but after seeing how off the major models were and data that suggests the curve is flattened is now pushing for opening. Georgia and Florida have been open for more than two weeks and their infections are the same level as during shutdown. We should be paying attention to that and celebrating it. In short, the pivot is working. But instead of the press hailing the speed at which vaccines are being developed, ventilators and PPE have been replenished, and red tape has gotten cut, plus stable numbers in reopening states, they continue to spread fear and criticism. If you want to put professional politicians back in charge, vote for Biden. He’ll sweep the fact that the FBI and DOJ actively worked with the Obama Administration to spy on an opposing candidate and later contributed to politically motivated distractions under the rug. I find the idea of career civil servants feeling they should control the presidency alarming. He’ll also throw water on the theory that governments were buying his support via contributions to his drug addict son. We’ll go back to the politics we used to have where voters were recruited with wedge issues designed to distract us from the fact that the only things that really got done in DC was politicians got richer helping donors implement policies that destroyed the middle class. That was a problem on both sides of the aisle. Under Trump, we’ve seen commitment to the policies he promised. I’ve going to vote for him again. Not because I think he is perfect, but because I think he is committed to an America that works for average Americans. And, before you scream racism and ethnocentrism, look around. Average Americans come in all races and ethnicities. It really is time we started to be as identified and aligned with our country’s interests as the citizens of countries are with their country.


    • JerryK says:

      Ticked: my question was aimed at you personally, not systemically. You’re trying to draw this into the bigger picture and my question was, what change in POTUS has affected you directly? Factories moving to China do not unless they are your actual customer. Neither migrants across the border unless their in your neighborhood. Not being able to bring simple Rx drugs across the border was a personal effect for me and my then spouse; small but personal.

      As for income taxes, mine went up under Trump and I repeat that I have a very modest retirement income. A housing crash, two market debacles and divorces have not left me where I hoped to be financially 🙂 But his so-called tax cut left me paying,


      • Anonymous says:

        you would have to demonstrate the scenario under which a modest income pays more federal tax under trump. methinks you doth protest too much


      • Reality says:

        Just because you call it fake news doesn’t make it fake.

        A housing crash and two market debacles over the past 12 years, all during GOP administrations.


        • Ticked off taxpayer says:

          Hey reality, the 2001 crash tracked to relaxation in SEC regulations that took place during the Clinton Administration and the housing market crash was a combination of Dems demanding that minorities with poor credit track records be given home loans and Congress (both sides of the aisle) ignoring the need to increase banking regulation because of the large contributions they get from that sector.


      • Ticked off taxpayer says:

        Actually, my client base includes US manufacturers and several have expanded under Trump’s deregulation and tax reform. One was going to shut down if Hillary won. I suspect the build in USA focus will drive more of that. The USMCA agreement will also benefit US manufacturing. The tax policies were also beneficial to me as a business owner. As someone who owns a horse and occasionally rides in the desert I also appreciate the border crackdown. Opportunistic crime was increasing prior to the crackdown in rural areas outside EP city limits. Things like folks breaking into parked trailers plus garages and sheds near open space. They were looking for food, water, clothes, etc. which is a pretty big indication they are illegal crossers. The stock market growth has helped my retirement savings and even post COVID, I’m ahead of where I was pre-Trump. There’s a few examples. One other is that as someone who makes regular trips to China, I can tell you that post-Trump US business visitors are treated with a lot more respect by officials. I’ve been going back and forth to China since the 80s and when they thought they had won at trade, they got pretty arrogant. They are back to the level of courtesy they were in during the 80s. It was interesting to watch. Finally, I’m smart enough to realize that anything that strengthens the US helps me. Trump has been ending a lot of policies like endless wars in the Middle East that line political donor pockets but ultimately take tax dollars better spent elsewhere. And a good economy floats all boats. Pre-COVID the jobs creation numbers were starting to inflate wages across the board. That was a good thing and it wasn’t something happening under previous administrations. And FYI, Trump thinks you should be able to get the same price as Mexico or Canada on prescription drugs, too.


    • Anonymous says:

      If there’s nothing to fear, I am ready for them to restart the Trump rallies.


  15. Anonymous says:

    I am talking about federal taxes increasing on my retirement, duh to you


    • Anonymous says:

      if you are retired and making enough income to pay federal taxes you have nothing to cry about. duh to you. yoy are either lying or well off enough to not be complaining. my guess is you are a liar, as personal exemptions increased undwr trump. math is hard. duh


    • Anonymous says:

      i thought liberals loved paying more tax?


  16. Anonymous says:

    Study the Federal tax code and figure it out yourself, mainly has to do with the second highest homestead property tax and what deductions you can take. In any case, this is a waste of time. Trump is not a leader, he was a reality show host and now he is nothing


  17. Tom Busch says:

    Did I mention that Budweiser is still on sale? It’s basically cheaper than water.


    • JerryK says:

      I like industrial beer – Miller; Pabst, Bud – and think that craft beers that cost as much as wine are an insult to beer lovers everywhere. They talk about “nose,” “finish on the pallet,” “roundness,” like it was wine. The whole idea of beer is cheap alcohol and nutrition. You can’t say that about wine.


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