Voter I.D.

Texas is now allowing more ways to identify yourself (or yourself as someone else) at the polling place.

We got this flyer in the mail the other day:


So if you know someone that is not going to vote just show up with something from their mailbox.

We deserve better


5 Responses to Voter I.D.

  1. Judy Maddox says:

    Try and get a library card without your TX Id card or license

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. Annon says:

    The left off NRA membership card…


  3. Helen Marshall says:

    Is there any EVIDENCE that this has happened? Someone has personal knowledge that someone else is not going to vote, and goes through that person’s mailbox everyday until a bank statement arrives, and then steals it???


  4. Reality Check says:

    In the presidential election, potential voter fraud is the least of my worries. We have a big problem no matter who wins.


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