EPISD–pay raise issues

I heard talk about a potential new conflict between EPISD and its teachers the other day.

I don’t have details yet but what I think I heard is that the state legislature allocated pay raises for teachers and EPISD is planning to deliver them in a manner that is not as good for teachers with more longevity as was planned by the legislature.

Can anyone fill us in on the facts?


20 Responses to EPISD–pay raise issues

  1. Wait for the facts says:

    And that is how rumors start…


  2. Mike Schwartz says:

    The status of SB3 that provides the 5000 dollar pay raise is listed as Sine Die. Not sure it passed.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Of course teachers are whining about needing to be paid more money. Why do they deserve a pay raise at all? For delivering education levels below those of third world countries? Why is incessant failure deserving of any raise? Name a single industry in the private sector that rewards their employees for putting them in last place?

    The real joke is that every time teachers start whining people start supporting them, because…? They are failures at their jobs and deserve sympathy raises?


    • Pro-Teacher says:

      Your post is not factually accurate. It is also disgusting. You must be a miserable person to say that teachers are failures.


      • Pro Nothing says:

        That’s right! How dare you say teachers are failures? It’s the kids who are failures. Wait, we can’t say that…they are the victims and it would hurt their self-esteem. It’s the parents who are failures. Wait, we can’t say that, we need them to vote for bonds. It’s the administration’s fault. Whew, finally we can all safely agree where to place the blame. I know I feel better now.


    • F AND U says:

      Have you ever heard the phrase “Talking to the wall”? That’s what it’s like teaching 90% of the kids today and it’s also like trying to get the superintendent to understand what goes on in the classrooms and what is needed to be successful. Finally, it’s also like trying to communicate with dipshits like you!


    • Anonymous says:

      You are an ignorant idiot.


      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe the fault, reason, blame that Johnny, Jose, Maria can’t read, write or do math when they graduate, lies with the overpaid EPISD Superintendent. All his magical MULTI-MILLION$$ plans, programs, do nothing for Teachers, Students, but make a lot of “Education” Contractors very rich and waste taxpayer MONEY. Think I ran into one of HIS “projects” the other night. The young man was a cashier. I owed $8.26, so I gave him a $10 and 26 cents change. He tried to give me the 26 cents back and I told him, gave him correct change because did not want all the extra change. He looked puzzled. So I told him he owed me $2. Could not figure that out. Said he had to call the Manager and he did. Maybe he wasn’t EPISD. Maybe Soccoro, Ysleta? Maybe he wasn’t a Senior? Could he really not count, do the math? And this happens all the time.


  4. Anonymous says:

    And what percentage of that pay raise, meant for Teachers in El Paso, will be stuffed into the over paid pockets of Juan Cabrera??i


    • Dan Wever says:

      Cabrera’s contract has a clause that says that he will receive the same percentage pay raise as the teachers receive. That means if the teachers get a 5% raise then he will get a 5% raise. The only problem is that 5% of a teachers salary is not quite the same as 5% of the Super’s salary which is around $362,000. Teachers will get around $3,000 and Cabrera will get over $18,000. It is only fair as he has to decide where to spend many millions of dollars every year.


      • Anonymous says:

        I wonder how many readers will miss your sarcasm and think instead that, as Cabrera claims, he has one of the toughest jobs in America. Yes, he really said that.


        • Dan Wever says:

          He not only said it he believes it.


          • Anonymous says:

            Then how does he find the time to wine and dine and party and attend out of town conferences where he shills for vendors?


          • Dan Wever says:

            Anon, that is his job! He knows nothing about education and lets the vendors sell us stuff that has been proven by someone to advance our children to Juniors in College when they finish High School.


  5. JerryK says:

    Why are kids getting dumber every year now? I’m glad mine were raised and out of HS by the late 80s (and have done well in their lives). We spend more every year on education and the kids just keep getting dumber – can’t read, write, calculate…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Counterpoint says:

      A large percentage of adults are getting dumber every year and it’s not because of aging. If you have problems with the quality of education today, that’s on the adults who are in charge, not the kids. Blame it on adults like Cabrera and EPISD board members.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dumb & Dumber says:

      One EPISD board member was so dumb he couldn’t remember his home address and which district he lived in. Another is so dumb she doesn’t remember not graduating from UTEP. She is so dumb that she doesn’t know the difference between being a playground monitor and being a teacher.


  6. Rico Suave says:

    I hope the teachers receive the pay raise they deserve.


  7. Anonymous says:

    What an IDIOT!! The district micromanages which makes it hard to teach. Cookie cutter mentality. Cabrera and his azzkissers. They just promoted ANOTHER ELEMENTARY ASS-OCIATE SUPERINTENDENT. ANOTHER 150,000…. Wasted… I guess it is who you blow, I mean know… Teachers have to deal with superior’s bullshit and parents lack of support as well as students who don’t give a shit.


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