Open post Saturday

What’s on your mind?

We deserve better


19 Responses to Open post Saturday

  1. Anonymous says:

    Robert Francis O’Rourke isn’t content with appropriating Hispanic culture, he is now embracing the mantle of racial savior because, apparently, black and brown people need him, a Caucasian male, to save them from what he claims is rampant, widespread racism that just started three years ago.

    He rails against white privilege while he enjoys his white privilege in a very big way. El Paso is not supporting a Hispanic or African American candidate, they support a white candidate who uses a Hispanic nickname given to him by his childhood nanny. A nanny is a person who serves people with enough money not to have to raise their own children. The vast majority of Hispanic workers in El Paso are underpaid.

    What an embarrassment Robert Francis O’Rourke has turned out be be. He went from the great white hope to the great white nope.


    Liked by 1 person

    • John Dungan says:

      Fer cryin’ out loud! Give it up, already! Just because you personally do not like Beto you have to continuously whine about his name! We get it! But, you still do not get it. There is nothing wrong with him being known as Beto! The problem here, as I see it, is that you don’t seem to find any real reasons to hate on him, so you keep on with the same ol’, same ol’. Personally, I am put off by his new tack indicating support for reparations, but I am certainly not going to worry about the name that he has used since he was a kid! Give over!

      Liked by 1 person

    • anonymous says:

      Hi Anonymous.

      Actually it was reported that his dad gave him the nickname because he thought if he went into politics in El Paso it would be “helpful”.

      O’Rourke was asked about this in an interview and he replied his dad was “farsighted”.

      Totally indifferent to the fact the nickname was intended to deceive Hispanics about his ancestry.


  2. Jerry Kurtyka says:

    So Trump calls Margo a RINO. Since 100% of my friends and half my family are Dems and/or liberals, I have to deal with this frequently.

    I call myself an “Eisenhower Republican,” since both my parents served in Europe in WWII and worshiped the ground Ike walked on as loyal GOP voters. By this, I mean traditional GOP values of limited government, limited foreign entanglements (Washington’s advice, too), and the classical liberalism of free speech, free assembly, free economy and free trade. In short, the opposite of Euro-style statism and PC nanny state leftist ideologies being thrown around today.

    Does that describe any GOP we see today? Or any political party? For that matter, is Trump a RINO, too?

    Please, I want your reasoned opinions that I will respect. Not leftist outrage.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ticked off taxpayer says:

      I think we have two GOPs: Ryan, McConnell, Romney, the Bushes (and Margo) are one segment which believes government should feed their big money donors (investment banking, government contractors, etc. They don’t care about bad trade deals, robbing the middle class of their retirement through financial bubbles or enforcing our borders (human trafficking keeps labor costs low). Trump represents the side of the party that wants to go back to that old GOP and fighting that has been an uphill battle. Personally I think Trump was right to call Margo a RINO privately and tell his rally Margo was full of crap publicly. He has done nothing but help the REIT investors, Mountain Star and Paul Foster since getting elected. But all that said instead of looking at parties or the rhetorical red meat being tossed out by both sides we need to look at the problems we have to solve and who is proposing solutions. I’m closer to achieving retirement savings goals under Trump than under either of the last two Presidents. My tax situation at the Federal level has improved. I’m a widow and the first year I had to pay single taxes under the old system was brutal. Now I’m back paying taxes at the level I was at when my husband was alive. My business is growing because my clients are predominately US manufacturers. Two have said they would have closed their doors had Clinton been elected because regulatory policies, taxes and health insurance costs were killing them. The change in policies under Trump has helped them grow. Health insurance is still a hot mess thanks to McCain. I’m voting for Trump in 2020. Yes, he is crude and tweets to much. But I think is working for average Americans. Margo and the Swamp RINOs are. The Dem Socialists are promising the moon but their policies aren’t even close to achievable.


      • JerryK says:

        Ticked; I agree with your corporate giveaway remarks, especially here in 99% Dem El Paso that can’t seem to stop shoveling money to Paul & Woody. But you’re wrong on the Wall Street side that is much more generous to Dems than GOP. Google it.

        Really, no matter who wins the election, Goldman Sachs picks and packs the NY Fed, Treasury and Economic Counsel. There is no party you can currently vote for against the interests of Goldman.

        Obama didn’t create the banking crisis but on his watch not one senior banker went to jail and they all kept their bonuses while the taxpayer paid for their bad bets. Watch the movie Money Never Sleeps.


        • Ticked off taxpayer says:

          I agree Wall Street is generous to both sides of the aisle and folks should have gone to jail over the housing bubble. If we hadn’t had 9/11, Bush probably would have replaced social security with 401k like accounts—the hot stock market ore-telecom crash got that talk started. Wall Street wants to get its hands on what’s left of SS. Paul Ryan wants to take SS away from the “rich” (meaning anyone who saved for retirement)…after all his retirement is guaranteed.


          • JerryK says:

            It is a great injustice that politicians – your example of Ryan – levy programs on the average Joe that never affect themselves. I recall when Obama told us that we had to re-engineer our nations’s plumbing to accommodate the less than 1 percent who “identify” as gender non-conforming, i.e., the boys can shower with the girls now. But his daughters go to a private school and you know goddam well they will never deal with it, but your kids will.

            How many other social engineering programs are similar? Do what I say, not what I do.


    • John Dungan says:

      There has not been a decent republican since Ike. He would be a Democrat today, compared to the typical GOP member we have on our hands. I think you’ve got it. They’re RINO’s, every one of them.


      • JerryK says:

        John, you may be right about Ike being a Dem today. He once said, “In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people’s money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.”

        Good advice.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymous says:

    Stop the HATE.
    And Veronica spewed do much hate and racial ethnic division last week that it is uncalled for.

    The nation is going to be split apart if it does not stop.

    The press needs to stop fanning the fuel,

    People you are AMERICAN If you want to claim German Irish Italian Polish Syrian Lebanese WELSH Ukrainian Austrian Chinese Japanese Korean Mexican Cuban Honduran Salvadoran decent but you are an American if you were born or naturalized
    Get over it!.


    • John Dungan says:

      So, you want us to believe that any hate that is out there originates from people like Beto and Veronica Escobar, huh? Have you not seen or heard donnie, ever?


    • Clean Up Your Own Backyard says:

      If you really want to stop the hate, stop your own attacks on people and talk to your president. Trump is doing more to divide people than any other individual in the country. He is so quick on the trigger that he even attacked one of his own supporters at a rally this week.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ticked off taxpayer says:

        Your post really illustrates the problem. I thought President Obama was socialist jerk. But I recognized that like it or not he was my (and every other American’s) President while in office. The anti-Trump movement has being playing the not my President card from day one and openly doing everything to obstruct anything he is in favor of (plus go on bizarre and expensive witch-hunts—imagine if the GOP had used a dossier prepared by a foreign intelligence operative to get a FISA warrant to spy on members of Obama’s campaign team). The reality is that when any President fails, America fails. If the obstructionists in Congress would sit down at the table with folks that wanted to solve issues associated with healthcare and immigration we’d move forward as a country. But instead doing nothing is better than finding middle ground. That isn’t Trump’s issue—Congress has gotten away with doing nothing long enough that they feel it is good political strategy.


        • Obstruction in the Aisle says:

          Mitch McConnell is and has always been the Obstructionist in Chief. He refuses to bring bills to the floor of the Senate for a public vote, even when bills have bipartisan support and sponsorship. But he found the time to do a deal with a Russian oligarch who is a proxy for Putin.

          McConnell and Boehner wanted Obama to fail. When Obama was elected, Boehner said “We’re going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill (Obama’s agenda), stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” McConnell said the same thing. Boehner has since mellowed and is an advocate for legalized marijuana now that he can profit from it.

          The GOP didn’t fix immigration early in Trump’s term when it controlled the White House and both branches of Congress and when there was proposed legislation with bipartisan support.

          As for spying on citizens, the current administration wants to reauthorize the NSA’s controversial domestic spying program.


    • JerryK says:

      American of Ukrainian descent. My mother was born in Europe and immigrated to the US when she was 5 years old. Subsequently she became a nurse and served in the Army Nurse Corps in the worst of the European fighting in 1944. So much for us Ukrainians.

      BTW, I don’t make an issue of it or mention it unless someone asks me about my weird last name. For all intents and purposes I am born and bred American and proud of it.


      • anonymous says:

        American of anonymous descent. Mother was born anonymously. Don’t know where my father was born.

        Robert should stop spreading hate.


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