Not the reason

October 9, 2021

The El Paso Times recently shut down its El Paso based printing presses and moved their printing function to Juarez. included this from the Times in their article about the change:

“Where the newspaper is printed does not impact our ability to provide outstanding journalism and service to our readers, advertisers and communities,” a company statement read.

We now know that where the newspaper was printed was not the impediment to the Times providing outstanding journalism and service.

It must be other things.

We deserve better


Getting the other guy to pay your bill

October 4, 2021

This was the headline of a recent report on

61% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2020, Tax Policy Center says

The article went on to say:

The top 20% of taxpayers paid 78% of federal income taxes in 2020, according to the Tax Policy Center, up from 68% in 2019. The top 1% of taxpayers paid 28% of taxes in 2020, up from 25% in 2019.

So they want the “rich” to pay “their fair share”.

“Fair” in this case evidently means more.

We deserve better


Magic from Washington

September 30, 2021

Some in Washington believe that we should spend an additional $3.5 trillion on new programs.

I copied this from the news site the other day:

Defending a bill not yet fully drafted, Democrats are determined to avoid a deficit financed spending spree. They are growing frustrated by the focus on the proposed $3.5 trillion spending total, arguing far too little attention is being paid to the work they are doing to balance the books. Biden on Friday said he would prefer the price tag described as “zero.”

“The idea is that [the] entire package should pay for itself.”

“We pay for everything we spend,” Biden said at the White House. “It’s going to be zero. Zero.”

Evidently the way he expects to “pay” for this is with our money, through higher taxes.

There is no magic here, only slight of hand.

We deserve better


Knowing where we stand

September 29, 2021

This slide is part of a presentation El Paso Water prepared for city council:

Any questions?

We deserve better


False oath

September 24, 2021

Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code defines the oath that each member of congress takes at the beginning of every session of congress.

It reads: “I, [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

In addition to taking the oath orally they must sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath. A copy is held by the clerk of the house.

I wonder how many of them have even read our Constitution.

Article V provides two methods that can be used to amend the Constitution. Evidently some consider that to be too much trouble when they can get away with ignoring what the Constitution says.

An oath is a solemn promise.

I’ve learned that liars make the best promises.

We deserve better
