Make your choice

Since there is no republican candidate in the county judge race we will pick our next county judge in today’s election.

Our choices are:

  • A former mayor
  • A political newcomer who has not learned how to run our lives yet

Please vote.

20 Responses to Make your choice

  1. Anonymous says:

    A former mayor who helped architect the biggest financial lies in the history of the city and is now representing himself as the “honest” candidate or a newcomer who isn’t part of the tax and spend crowd yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous, despite your hidden identity, you got that 100% right! Don’t forget, Cook is the one who ran for Mayor only to give the City away! His ads make me cringe, and the thought of him in public office again is downright scary.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dan Wever says:

        I will vote for Mayor Cook. The one sure thing about elected positions is that it is impossible to please everyone. There will always be naysayers and it is still possible to be honest.


        • Anonymous says:

          I look at behavior rather than words. There was no transparency or honesty in the Cook administration either with the ballpark or the Q of L. And the numbers have been proven wrong time after time. Expecting things to be different if Cook is County Judge is total insanity.

          Liked by 1 person

          • JerryK says:

            The numbers were wrong and still are (see the Children’s Museum needing an additional $20MM) because the then city CFO, Carmen A-C, failed in her fiduciary duties to cost out the QoL projects, not to mention the stadium, also $20MM over her estimates.

            But she “played ball” and her gross incompetency as CFO won her the top financial post at EPISD now, where we can probably expect more of the same.


      • nameless says:

        Your concern about hidden identities is becoming obsessive and downright scary.


  2. JerryK says:

    Brutus, let’s discuss something important (CJ – either way you look at it we lose). The Next Big Boondoggle is now underway with the so-called Children’s Museum, that will require another $20M in COO’s, not bonds, and is being turned over to a semi- private corporation in order to avoid a transparent RFP and bidding process and probably operational opaqueness. The Usual Suspects are in charge.

    See the excellent report by KVIA.


    • Anonymous says:

      And remember we can’t call it a Children’s Museum or they won’t go. I’ve got an idea. Let’s call it the Mexican-American Cultural Center and use the $5 million budgeted for that to offset part of the COs.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Nothing ever changes for the better here. Always the same. Vote for the DEMOCRAT of “Your Choice”. If “You” are not a DEMOCRAT here, “you” are not “Represented” by anybody. John Cook did nothing as the North East Rep. Among other things he LIED to me, US about the ball field and it will be an “albatross”, a DEBT around the necks of taxpayers forever. I don’t know much about Mr Samaniego, but he is not a CAREER politician and hasn’t LIED to me yet. So which one is better for ME, for US?


  4. Pick the best choice and work with it says:

    For those who cry about the poor choices in elections – why don’t you step up and give us all an alternative? Oh… too busy… what, complaining about the lack of choices?


    • Anonymous says:

      Unless a REPUBLICAN, even an INDEPENDENT are personally wealthy, why would they make a stupid decision to run in El Paso?? No matter how much they spend, what they said, they could never get elected to ANYTHING in El Taxo. The locals have been trained. “Vote for the Democrat, that’s where all the welfare, FREE stuff is”. The rest of US pay the constant tax increases, suffer under Democrat rule and are not “REPRESENTED’ by anybody. The ONLY say that WE have is when a local like O’Rourke runs against a State-wide candidate. Then WE have the opportunity to DUMP him, get rid of him.


      • Stop the Whining says:

        Dee Margo got elected, so stop blaming the Democrats for everything. The truth is that the people like Hunt and Foster, who control El Paso, are also Republicans and they are driving a lot of the spending that you complain about. Until people realize that both parties at fault, nothing will get fixed. If it’s really as bad as you say, move to another city.


        • Charles R. Dickerson says:

          You must be taking Demorat  pills.  There is only ONE party in POWER in El Taxo,   Democrats.  If Margo is a Republican, how  did HE get elected and why is El Taxo still so screwed up?  Apparently he didn’t tell, show any voters that he was  Republican.. I didn’t vote for him for that reason and he is a CAREER politician, like John Cook. I would like to get out of El Taxo.   Have you seen the real estate  “market” here?  You can only give your house away.  Everybody, ever where knows about El Taxo and HIGH taxes, fabricated, inflated Property “Values”.  Nobody wants to buy here, move here.  Taxes much LESS in Austin, Dallas, Central Texas, most other states, cities.  El Taxo politicians  are under the impression there is something here that people want to see.


      • Stop the Whining says:

        More El Paso taxpayer money will now be given to one of your Republicans for no good reason. The city will pay $568,000 to move the city’s economic development department to premium office space in the Mills Building, which is owned by Paul Foster. The department does not pay rent at its current city-owned space, but decided to enter into a six-year lease with Foster.


  5. Vote for Change says:

    Easy decision. Vote for the newcomer, who hasn’t made a career out of what the former mayor, a career politico, disingenuously refers to as public service. If you peruse the names of people contributing to the former mayor’s campaign, it will tell you everything you need to know. This is the same former mayor who left office and tried to immediately go to work as a lobbyist for a downtown developer, who is one of his financial benefactors.


  6. ManintheMoon says:

    Yep, John Cook will pick his nose and guitar as the county economically burns. Then ones has the blame the voters that fail time and time again to turnout to vote and stop the nonsense with the progressive Democratic prostitutes and their Republican pimps!


  7. good governance oxymoron says:

    Sad. Based on the unofficial final election results it seems only an additional 156 people in the county voted today.

    On the other hand the good news is it appears Cook lost.
    Hope those numbers hold


  8. mamboman3 says:

    The difference a little “i” can make….will he learn to ‘run’ our lives or ‘ruin’ them? Samaniego won by 51% so I’m hoping he can learn to run them only by heeding a whole lot of input from us. Of course, I’m only playing with a word here; JC already did plenty to “ruin” my trust in politicians…that’s for sure…but I’d never let anybody have that much influence to run or ruin my life. I think you’ve been listening to too much of those Trump hyperboles he likes to spout!


    • Anonymous says:

      Like I said before I voted for Mr Samaniego. I don’t know anything about him. Good, bad, indifferent. I know that HE is not a CAREER politician that has no other JOB and has simply moved “Chair to Chair” in El Paso. I know that HE hasn’t LIED to ME, US about anything yet. I don’t think that Mr Samaniego is a “Replacement” for Veronica Escobar. He’s taking the JOB, maybe will do the JOB to REPRESENT US. WE can do better El Paso. This time WE probably did. Don’t let politicians “Brand” you as a Democrat. Watch, look, listen to them and think about what YOU know BEFORE, during the next election. Vote for people who will REPRESENT YOU, what you think, need, want . YOUR VOTE is valuable. Make THEM earn it.


  9. ManintheMoon says:

    Just maybe El Paso is coming out of its decades long coma to who they elected to office!


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