Wise guy

It seems that at one time or another I have offended many of our readers.

While never intended, if it is the cost of stimulating public interest in our local situation then I guess it must be.

At 16 years old Benjamin Franklin wrote this under the pen name Silence Dogood:

I am very sensible that it is impossible for me, or indeed any one Writer to please all Readers at once. Various Persons have different Sentiments; and that which is pleasant and delightful to one, gives another a Disgust. He that would (in this Way of Writing) please all, is under a Necessity to make his Themes almost as numerous as his Letters. He must one while be merry and diverting, then more solid and serious; one while sharp and satyrical, then (to mollify that) be sober and religious; at one Time let the Subject be Politicks, then let the next Theme be Love: Thus will every one, one Time or other find some thing agreeable to his own Fancy, and in his Turn be delighted.

I thank you for your continued interest in the blog.  My preference would be that some of the comments the readers make about each other be more civilly constructed.  A point can be made without being rude.

We deserve better


42 Responses to Wise guy

  1. John Dungan says:

    As his (Franklin’s) contemporaries might say, “Hear! Hear!”


  2. Dick Johnson says:

    it is funny to me that the founding fathers constantly get invoked here while the majority of comment’s constantly call for censorship.

    Here is something Franklin said at 16:

    “Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom, and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech; which is the right of every man as far as by it he does not hurt and control the right of another: and this is the only check it ought to suffer, and the only bounds it ought to know.” –Benjamin Franklin, 1722


  3. JerryK says:

    Keep on keeping on.


  4. mother earth says:

    global warming caused the coronavirus. it is the planet’s way of communicating that we are in a climate crisis and must take drastic action, such as enacting the green new deal.


  5. Creepy Joe Biden says:


  6. But Trump said... says:


  7. Actions vs. Words says:

    Joe Biden has spent his entire public life disrespecting women, there is ample evidence of this all over the internet, a few compilations of which have been posted here today. Show me something similar about Donald Trump, since everyone likes to bring up his private comments to another man. Actions are louder than words, except for Democrats, who choose to ignore the acts of people like Epstein, Clinton, Biden, Weinstein, etc. while they fake such outrage over a single comment by Trump.


  8. Joe Biden Accused of Sexual Assault says:

    His Senate aid accuses him of sexual assault but there seems to be no national outrage, unlike Christine Blasey Ford, who cannot even prove she ever met Brett Kavanaugh, whose accusations were broadcast by every national outlet. Hypocrisy is a liberal virtue…


  9. Anonymous says:

    Trump is also a pervert and has assaulted many women. Why oh why do mthe forces that rule these matters always give us such poor choices. Neither Trump nor Biden are good leaders. Neither is a friend to nature, humanity, or women. In fact Trump and Biden are a threat to the well being of the planet. Trump caused the crisis of the Coronavirus in the United States by not addressing the threat, delaying the response, and denying the reality. The video commentary is not appropriate. We need some sound ideas to straighten out our boat before it sinks.


    • Anonymous says:

      I see, actual evidence is not appropriate, but unsubstantiated words are. You are definitely a friend to the Democrat party. You should run against Trump and defeat him since you are so much smarter and more capable.


  10. Reality Checker says:

    Brutus, you have done an admirable job and your intentions have always been good. Some of the people in the audience are the problem. The string of Biden comments today have nothing to do with today’s topic. That’s just someone poking all of us in the eye to show that they are going to do what they want to do without respect for the forum. It’s a waste of time to even have to scroll through those. When things are off topic and add nothing to the subject of the day, you as moderator should be able to to delete them, especially when it is political spam.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Anonymous says:

    Put the blame where it belongs….China. It is the Chinese virus. But if you want to blame someone blame the democrats. At a time when our country should have been focusing on what China wasn’t telling us we were busy conducting an Impeachment sham. President Trumps response has been nothing more than remarkable despite the media’s relentless attacks, fear mongering and misinformation campaigns.


  12. Anonymous says:

    Although some use the term alternative facts(which I think should be illegal) there is truth. All the evidence is available. I understand that some people prefer lies and that is why they support the dangerous baboon now in office. I think before a person can become President they should have to take a lie detector test. A Presidental candidate needs to be overqualified and a patriot without profound character defects. We can’t just have a carnival barker that has no respect for anyone, is not world class, racist, rapist, idiot that was lucky enough to have a racist father( that knew his son was a huge loser too late) that made tons of money by gaming the system. Trump isn’t even original, he learned from his father. The father was just a bit more discreet.


    • Anonymous says:

      Do you understand the concept of the term “alternative facts”? That phrase was coined because the media and the left were saying things that THEY called facts but weren’t. The term alternative fact was a reference to the actual facts. There now you know the facts.


    • Anonymous says:

      Crocked Hillary wouldn’t last 30 second into a lie detector test.


    • Anonymous says:

      You should run for President and show that you are smarter than Donald J. Trump. He defeated Hillary Clinton in his very first attempt at politics. She had more money, support and experience. But you are much smarter and better than Trump, so just beat him at his own game, winning.


  13. Anonymous says:

    I put the blame on the person with the videos for being misinformed and not having a authentic voice…


    • Russian Bot says:

      That’s interesting, you make a claim without any evidence at all.

      It looks more like he (or she) is presenting actual evidence to counter what people claim is an issue that they present no evidence. Joe Biden is creepy and has been accused of sexual assault by one of his long-time aids.

      If by “authentic voice” you mean liars who support each others lack of evidence by all saying the same unsubstantiated claims then, perhaps he has no voice.

      But you can’t produce a compilation video of Trump being grabby or creepy with women, can you? Because he’s posted several of Joe Biden.


  14. Anonymous says:

    Global warming is one of the conditions that brought the Coronavirus forth. Read and you will learn. It’s a good time to get a education.


    • Anonymous says:

      “Global warming” is a natural occurrence that has nothing to do with human behavior. Chinese virus is an attack on the global economy by the Communist Chinese.


      • JerryK says:

        400 ppm CO2 that has recently occurred is not politics. Humans have not previously lived in CO2 at this level per the Vostok ice core analysis that show historic levels in the 300 ppm during warming periods spanning 400,000 years.


        • Climate Scientist #2,934,612,766 says:

          Everyone is a climate scientist all of the sudden. Can’t wait for the future when they announce everything they thought was wrong, like they do regularly about dinosaurs and table salt.

          Please expound on how you propose the climate should be controlled. I’ll wait.

          P.S. I assume you know water vapor is a much more powerful “greenhouse gas” yet gets no consideration despite the super-abundance. But let’s focus on CO2 because…? No one can prove you wrong no matter what you say? True, but you cannot prove you are right, either.

          Mexican standoff, climate style.

          I would, however, be interested in photos of your climate measuring equipment. What CO2 measuring devices do you use?


          • JerryK says:

            The one at the observatory on Mauna Loa. Use your name and I’ll respect what you say even if I don’t agree. Otherwise you’re just another Anonymous, aka, Nobody.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Anonymous says:

            My name is Silence Dogood, and you are a hypocrite. “Use your name and I’ll respect what you say even if I don’t agree.” is a load of crap. You may or may not have used your name, it matters not to what you said. You simply choose sanctimony over debate. The whole world laughs at you shouting that you win without competing by creating silly rules.

            Post your physical address and bank account information and i will respect what you say. Otherwise you are just an anonymous person with no posted address and bank info.

            And a hypocrite.


          • Anonymous says:

            P.S. – You still aren’t a climate scientist, despite your best copy/paste techniques. You cannot tell anyone anything about climate that you didn’t read somewhere.

            If climate science is so “settled” why can no one tell us what the weather will be three days from now accurately? But 100 years from now they have no doubt.


  15. Anonymous says:

    Wrong again. Global warming is man made. And our mayor shares a lot with Donald, he might not be a rapist, but he is not a friend to nature and is a money grabber and liar. Shame!


    • Anonymous says:

      If anything, CO2 levels have made the earth MORE livable. The earth is more green than ever. The earth is a masterpiece and is designed to withstand anything that humans can throw at it. We will be around long after this 12 year “fear” period has passed. Just like the last 4 or 5 “the end of the world is near” nonsense never came to fruition. Although, the Green New Deal could be the actual end of the world.


  16. Anonymous says:

    And in my opinion Dee Margo is unqualified to be mayor. Did I say Liar?


  17. Anonymous says:

    Brutus, I do notice you do delete comments. I also noticed you move the order to suit your mood.


  18. Anonymous says:

    Right. You probably believe violating everything is good for it. The word is balance.


  19. Russian Bot says:

    Perhaps it would be more helpful if you post an example of what you mean by rude. Rude is subjective and some people are very thin-skinned, so an actual sample of what you refer to would be enlightening.


  20. Antifa for All says:

    There should be an Antifa wing of this blog. If you can control speech and behavior through violence then things will be better. They should rewrite domestic violence laws to allow exceptions for political differences. If your wife or girlfriend votes for Trump you should be able to re-educate her.


  21. Anonymous says:

    Now read Ben Franklin’s essay called Fart Proudly. I do believe it sums things up.


  22. Anonymous says:


  23. Dan Wever says:

    How in the world could you hit upon the least interesting thing in the world? You must stay awake at night wondering.


    • My name is Nobody says:

      You should look up the definition of sarcasm.

      The post illustrates the irony of a bunch of socialists/communists complaining about taxes and desiring to censor everything posted they do not like while claiming kinship with our country’s founding fathers.

      Everything posted here is rendered meaningless by false intent.

      A socialist should be very happy that the government takes so much and should have no issue with lack of supply. A public school system that does such a poor job of teaching is worthy of old-style Soviet Union traditions.


  24. ANONYMOUS ! ! ! says:

    Brutus, remember at least a few months ago when l mentioned that the responses that l read from this blog remind me that this is the same high level stupidity that was local talk radio from about 15-25 years ago? Well, l was wrong. This “wins” 1st prize. lf you want to take a break from all of this simple minded, one dimensional, quasi conscience crap, then go to (yeah, l know that the name is a bit goofy) styxhexenhammer666. Bitchute is what l prefer, but l guess Google is also ok. The language might be a bit salty at times, but he is extremely intelligent and articulate.


  25. John Dungan says:

    Y’all have finally won. I can’t put up with this insanity any longer. Or, is it inanity? I can’t tell who is on first, second, or any other thing, since so many of you have chosen to hide your identities. Buh bye.


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